by Arpit, Published: May 12, 2011

Ever Imagined that your Favourite Breakfast, Idli-Sambhar has a Sibblings Fasting Stuffed Idli and Fasting Sambhar or in Gujarati Faraali Stuffed Idli and Faraali Sambhar!
Yes Its true, as Shravan Maas is going on and lots of Gujarati people out there in Gujarat or Outside Gujarat have already started fasting for a month or staying fast for a day, we thought of giving a twist or variety to their daily Faraali (Fasting) Menu.
This Fasting recipe of Idli-Sambhar will use Rawa (रवा) as a main Ingredient for Idli and Bottle Gourd (लौकी), Potato (आलू) and Yam (सुरन) as a main source for Sambhar
So, lets grudge out this yummy dish and I bet you will be definately appreciated by your family to save them like a superhero from all those boring routine fasting dishes.
Prep time:
Cook time:
Soaking Time: 6 hours.
Total time:
Yield: Serves 4-6
For the Idli Batter:
1 cup Sanwa (सांवा)
1/2 cup Sago (रवा)
1 cup fresh curd (दही)
2 tsp Ginger-Green Chilli Paste(अदरक हरी मिर्च पेस्ट)
Rock Salt to taste (सेन्धा नमक)
For the Idli Stuffing:
1 tsp oil (तेल)
1 tsp cumin seeds (जीरा)
2 tsp Ginger-Green Chilli Paste (अदरक हरी मिर्च पेस्ट)
1 cup boiled and peeled potato cubes (आलू)
2 tsp Sugar (चीनी)
1 tsp Lemon Juice (नीम्बु का रस)
Rock Salt to taste (सेन्धा नमक)
Other Ingredients:
1/2 cup roasted peanut powder (पीसी हुइ मुंगफली)
Method, For the Idli Batter:
2. Combine with the remaining ingredients for the idli and soak for at least 6 hours.
Method, For the Idli Stuffing:
2. When they crackle, add the ginger-green chillies paste and sauté for a few seconds.
3. Add potato cubes, sugar, lemon juice, and rock salt and cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Keep aside to cool.
Idli Making Process:
2. Layer it with a tbsp of the potato stuffing.
3. Sprinkle ½ tsp of roasted peanut powder over this, and top it with a tbsp of the idli batter.
4. Steam for 10 to 12 minutes or till done.
Serve hot with Faraali Sambhar.
For Faraali Sambhar:
To be boiled and Blended into Smooth Puree:
1 cup Bottle Gourd (लौकी)
1 cup peeled and chopped Potato (अलू)
1 cup peeled and chopped Yam (सुरन)
To be ground into Faraali (Fasting) Sambhar Powder:
5 tsp coriander seeds (धनिया)
2 boriya chillies (बोरिया मिर्च)
2 tbsp roasted Peanuts (सिंग्दाना)
1 tbsp grated dry coconut (नारियल)
25mm (1") stickCinnamon (दाल्चीनी
Other ingredients:
1/2 cup boiled Bottle Gourd (उबलि हुइ लौकी)
1/2 cup boiled Yam (उबला हुआ सुरन)
2 tsp Oil (तेल)
2-3 boriya chillies (बोरिया मिर्च)
1 tsp Lemon Juice (निँबु का रस)
Sambhar Process:
2. Mix well and simmer on a medium flame for 7 to 8 minutes.
3. Add the bottle gourd, yam, ground sambhar powder and rock salt, mix well and bring to boil.
4. For the tempering, heat the oil in a small non-stick pan and add the cumin seeds.
5. When the cumin seeds crackle, add the boriya chillies and sauté for a few seconds.
6. Pour the tempering over the boiling sambhar, mix well and simmer for another 5 to 7 minutes.
7. Add the lemon juice and mix well.
Serve hot.